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Acrylic Pouring







195 Rosewood Dr. West Chester, PA 19382

Acrylic Pouring


Rachel Coleman

Hi! I'm Rachel Coleman of Shy Fox Studio. After experiencing a trauma and seeking professional help, it was suggested to me that I practice using the right side of my brain. So I bought some holiday decorations to paint at my local hobby shop and when I did, I lost all sense of time, stress, trauma, and anxiety. I was hooked. After trying a few different mediums, I kept coming back to fluid art. I was attracted to the vibrant colors and the organic shapes that were made by manipulating these paints. I have been a fluid artist for two years now and I am still learning everyday. That is because there are so many possibilities with this medium. I am so grateful for coming out of the dark and truly finding my passion. One of the best parts of being an artist is the people I meet and getting to share this medium with others. I was asked once "Aren't you afraid that you will teach one of these people what you do and they will be your competition one day?" Not at all! If I can help someone find their passion or just find a reprieve from the day to day stresses, then I am satisfied! I am happy to share what I have learned with others!

About the Demonstration

In this demonstration, I will show four different techniques of Acrylic pouring that I use most frequently and what tools I use with each technique. I will talk about layering colors, choosing a color palette, brands of paint, and how I am able to achieve the looks you see. This demonstration is an open discussion and visual guide to this abstract form of art.


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County Studio Tour Sponsor Citadel Credit Union
County Studio Tour Sponsor Pook & Pook inc
County Studio Tour Sponsor Dovetail Auctions
County Studio Tour Sponsor Tolsdorf oil lube express
County Studio Tour Sponsor Herrs
County Studio Tour Sponsor ARTS Montco
County Studio Tour Sponsor Manatawny still works
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