Here is a video that shows you how to fill out the application and upload your photos.
The most common problems are
1 - Browser is not up to date. Please make sure you are using the current version of Chrome or Safari
2 - Last name cannot contain spaces. You may separate the last names with a hypen
3 - Phone number is not formatted correctly
4 - You must choose the address from the drop down menu
5 - Images are too large or too small. You must reformat images to correct size.
6 - Submit Button doesn't work. You must refresh the page and correct the information
WATCH the video for step by step instructions
We want your page on the website and in the catalogue to look the best as possible. Here are a couple of tips and tricks to help you do that.
Your images need to be 1920 pixels @300 dpi on the longest side
Your images will be cropped square on both the artists' grid page and on your page in the catalogue. The user may click on your image to see the full version of it. We will use square images in the catalogue and will crop as necessary.

Use Photoshop to make your images look and fit the best as possible. If you don't have Photoshop you can use some of the links below to make your images fit best within our website parameters.
Need help resizing your images? A how to article on "Cropping and Resizing on the iPhone or iPad."
Use this online photo editor to resize your images - PIXLR
Questions about jpeg compressions? Here is a great article to help you understand.
We recommend your studio image to be 1920 pixels x 957 pixels @300 dpi
Your studio page on the website and in the catalogue is all about YOU! "Meet the Artist" means we want to see You, Your artwork, Your studio. To best show yourself in this image, make sure you are centered in the photo and smiling. Below are some examples of great studio images.
If you'd like a different photo for the website it should be 704 pixels wide x 351 pixels high.

What your image will look like in the catalogue.