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Marsiella Catanoso



Working with clay has always been my passion. It’s a material that’s been used for many generations throughout different cultures, leaving its mark in the world that we live in - especially my own. The pieces I create can be either functional or decorative, ranging from cups for coffee to flower brick centerpieces, to evolving my series into sculptural vases with more surface patterns to push my boundaries in design. When I am in the studio, I enjoy the process of creating forms. Once I have a form completed, I start my canvas layering system. I incorporate subtle textures and use colored slips by applying various layers to the surface of patterns and floral designs. My influences come from capturing eclectic objects that I’ve encountered in my travels. I’m inspired by brightly colored city murals and urban gardens from living in the city of Philadelphia, the rural landscape of wildflowers of the Blue Ridge Mountains in southwest Virginia, and the rustic facades of historical villas in Italy.